Not for sale

(JC leather jacket, H&M top, Bik Bok over knees)
I hate the self timer. There's no focus and it's so hard to do a diffrent angle. & I forgot to take a picture of the beige pants when they were styled ... but I may wear them again soon. Painting my nails at the moment with my new color, I really like it but I think it should be a little darker & more greenish. That would be perfect. Well I hope you liked the outfit & that you all had a good day.
Postat av: Jessica Deanna
Appreciate the look of layering with cycle shorts, they're just so easy to wear anything with.
Fairly well laying, from what I can tell from these photos, this is a good outfit
<a href="">Aesthetic Solar Falcon</a>
Postat av: jontheponte
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